Find your perfect choir

Choirslist is a new kind of connected directory for all kinds of non-audition and audition choirs. Our aim is to make it easy for anyone to find the right choir to join, hear or hire.
Explore Choirslist LondonWhy Join a Choir?
We are launching in London this Spring, and building our wider listings to launch elsewhere across the UK later in 2024.

Choirslist London

Organised across the 33 Boroughs of London, search over 500 choirs who list their location, type, size, repertoire, rehearsal times and more, offering a valuable information resource for prospective singers looking for their ideal choir to join, and a simple and quick way to get in touch.  

Search London Choirs

Just join a choir!

Joining a choir could be the best decision you make this year. Watch our video if you need more convincing, and share with friends who you think would benefit from joining a choir.

More reasons to join a choir

Find the perfect choir for you.

People join all kinds of choirs for all kinds of reasons. Choirslist publishes listings of hundreds of different kinds of choirs and singing groups, both audition and non-audition,  based on their type, rehearsal locations and times, size, repertoire and other relevant criteria to help you to search for your ideal choir based on what's important to you.

We're starting with over 500 choirs across London before expanding to other regions across the UK, but wherever you are based you can help us grow the network.

Search London Choirs

We're building a Local Choirslist to serve your Region

Whether you run or sing in a choir, you can help us build the network.  Listing a choir on Choirslist is free. Click through to your region and complete a short preregistration form to get your choir on the list.

Recent Stories

Singing is proven to be good for you, and singing with others has other benefits too but there is so much more to choirs than music. Take a look at these people's choir stories.

Exploring 16 different types of choirs and understanding how you can choose the right one for you

Discover the perfect choir for you with Choirslist! This article explores the 16 different types of choirs who have listed on Choirslist London, from amateur to professional, gospel to LGBTQ+ choirs. Whether you seek soul-stirring harmonies or community camaraderie, Choirslist's helps you uncover the diversity of choice across the choir community and find your niche.
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Find a choir that sings your kind of music: 19 different types of repertoire listed on Choirslist

Maybe you're looking for a choir that sings the classical big hitters such as Brahms, Mozart and Beethoven, maybe you'd like to sing through the charts, or perhaps you want a choir that sings a bit of everything. Using the Search by Repertoire criteria, let Choirslist help you find a choir that sings your kind of music.
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Learning from research about singing and choirs

An introductory overview of the kinds of research that has been undertaken around the topics of choirs and singing, showing the sheer depth of the many benefits for singers.
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FAQs for Choirs

FAQs for Singers